Photograph of Michael Strube

I lead the Natural Language Processing (NLP) Group at HITS gGmbH, Heidelberg, Germany. There, I am involved in NLP related projects, work with the computational linguists at HITS, and supervise PhD. students. In addition, I am Honorarprofessor in the Computational Linguistics Department at the University of Heidelberg. I am a Fellow of the Association for Computational Linguistics.



I am general chair for EACL '24 held in Malta on March 17-22, 2024.

I am co-organizer for the 5th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse, CODI 2024 at EACL '24 held in Malta in March 2024.

One paper accepted at EACL '23, three papers at ACL '23, one paper at the Findings of EMNLP '23. Congratulations to my students Mehwish Fatima, Haixia Chai, Wei Liu and my Postdoc Wei Zhao!

Paper accepted as spotlight presentation at NeurIPS '21: Federico López, Beatrice Pozzetti, Steve Trettel, Michael Strube and Anna Wienhard: Vector-valued distance and gyrocalculus on the space of symmetric positive definite matrices. (PDF)

Paper accepted at ICML '21: Federico López, Beatrice Pozzetti, Steve Trettel, Michael Strube and Anna Wienhard: Symmetric spaces for graph embeddings: A Finsler-Riemannian approach. (PDF)

I was named Fellow of the Association for Computational Linguistics in 2019.

(This isn't really news ...) According to Google Scholar the AAAI '06 and AAAI '07 papers Simone Paolo Ponzetto and I co-authored are the most cited papers of the top conference in AI (Google Scholar query for AAAI 2006 and AAAI 2007)!


research interests


  • Text and Dialogue
  • Pragmatics

Computational Linguistics:

  • Anaphora and Coreference Resolution
  • Generation of Referring Expressions
  • Modeling Local (and maybe also Global) Coherence
  • Discourse and Dialogue Structure (though I don't believe in it)

Natural Language Processing:

  • Automatic Summarization
  • Concept Disambiguation, Entity Linking, Cross-document Coreference Resolution
  • Information Extraction
  • Knowledge Acquisition, Ontology Learning
  • Natural Language Generation Systems



Publications in Journals and Books, Conference Proceedings, Workshop Proceedings, and Complete List of Publications

See my publications at Google Scholar.

Send me email if you want to get a copy of a paper not linked on these pages (in those cases we had to transfer the copyright to the respective publishers; maybe linguists should follow the good example of JAIR and start to publish in open access journals).

A Few Recent Publications

  • Wei Liu and Michael Strube (2023).
    Annotation-inspired implicit discourse relation classification with auxiliary discourse connective generation.
    In: ACL '23 (long paper), pp.15696–15712. (PDF)
  • Wei Liu, Xiyan Fu and Michael Strube (2023).
    Modeling structural similarities between documents for coherence assessment with graph convolutional networks.
    In: ACL '23 (long paper), pp.7792-7808. (PDF)
  • Mehwish Fatima and Michael Strube (2023).
    Cross-lingual science journalism: Select, simplify and rewrite summaries for non-expert readers.
    In: ACL '23 (long paper), pp.1843-1861. (PDF)
  • Federico López, Beatrice Pozzetti, Steve Trettel, Michael Strube and Anna Wienhard (2021).
    Vector-valued distance and gyrocalculus on the space of symmetric positive definite matrices.
    In: NeurIPS '21 (spotlight presentation), to appear. (PDF)
  • Federico López, Beatrice Pozzetti, Steve Trettel, Michael Strube and Anna Wienhard (2021).
    Symmetric spaces for graph embeddings: A Finsler-Riemannian approach.
    In: ICML '21, PMLR 2021, pages 7090–7101. (PDF)
  • Federico López, Benjamin Heinzerling and Michael Strube (2019).
    Fine-grained entity typing in hyperbolic space.
    In: 4th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP, pp.169–180. (PDF)
    Best Paper Award!
  • Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Strube, Michael (2007).
    Knowledge Derived from Wikipedia for Computing Semantic Relatedness.
    In: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 30, pp.181-212. (PDF).
    Honorable Mention for the IJCAI-JAIR best paper prize 2010 (awarded to an outstanding paper published in JAIR in the preceding five calendar years).

short biography

I received my Ph.D. from the (now defunct) Computational Linguistics Department at the University of Freiburg, Germany, in December 1996 under the supervision of Udo Hahn. Between 1997 and 1999 I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. In 2000 I joined the European Media Lab in Heidelberg, Germany, as a researcher. Since 2001 I am group leader of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) Group of HITS, an institute which rapidly underwent several transformations before (hopefully) arriving at its final destination:

European Media Lab → EML Research → HITS.

Anyway, it has been a lot of fun to be here ...

In 2010 I got appointed Honorarprofessor in the Computational Linguistics Department at the University of Heidelberg.

In 2015 I was PC Co-Chair of the ACL's flagship conference ACL-IJCNLP '15 held in Beijing, China, July 26-31, 2015. We created about 3000 pages of printed paper as output.

In 2017/18 I served as scientific director at HITS.

In 2019 was named Fellow of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

In 2024 I serve as general chair for EACL '24 held in Malta on March 17-22, 2024.


some addictions

Photograph of a sign: Tourists are not permitted beyond this point


What is Jazz?

